Don’t reply to that creepy message! Listen to Officer Red Flag, kids. He’s the main character of a humorous new Windsor police educational video about internet safety and online predators.
click here to read article
See Derek’s Portfolio here.
More to come soon…
She can be now be seen in posters, pamphlets and on-screen at your local Bell stores as well as on the Bell website which can be found here.
Her mom just recently snapped this photo of her in a Bell store:
TN Management is pleased to announce the addition of Karl Ludwig to our roster. You can find some of Karl’s inspirational videos on youtube. Aside from being a professional Sledge Hockey player, Karl has appeared in a major TV commercial for Gatorade (aired on TSN), has done stand-up comedy at Yuk Yuks and appeared on “A Voice For All”, hosted by Jahmeelah Gamble.